ECON 131-L: History of Health & Healthcare - Lab (Dora Costa)
ECON 130-L: Public Economics/Finance - Lab (Adriana Lleras-Muney)
ECON 103-L: Econometrics I - Lab (Rodrigo Pinto; Randall Rojas)
ECON 181: Development of Economic Institutions in Western Europe (Michella Giorcelli)
ECON 102: Macroeconomics II (Meric Keskinel)
ECON 1: Principles of Economics (Yuan Tian; Randall Rojas)
Language: English. Period: 2014-2018.
Awards: Teaching Assistant Award in recognition for excellence in teaching (October 2018)
International Economic History (Maria Ines Barbero)
Markets and Financial Intermediation (Martin Gonzalez-Eiras)
Seminar on “100 Years of the American Economic Review: The Top 20 Articles” (Martin GonzalezEiras)
Game Theory and Strategic Behavior (Martin Rossi)
Language: Spanish. Period: 2011-2012.